Board of Trustees support Strictly Streets and Purely Police

On September 14, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to pass two resolutions supporting the passage of "Strictly Streets" Ballot Issue 2D and "Purely Police" Ballot Issue 2E. 

If "Strictly Streets" Ballot Issue 2D is passed by voters, the new revenue generated by the additional sales and use tax would be dedicated strictly to streets and used for no other purpose. The funds would be retained in a segregated account and be used only to pay for street improvements and streets maintenance.

If "Purely Police" Ballot Issue 2E is passed by voters, the new revenue generated by the additional sales and use tax would be dedicated purely for police and used for no other purpose. The funds would be retained in a segregated account and be used to pay for the Mead Police Department.

The Resolutions express the Board’s support for the passage of both Strictly Streets & Purely Police; urging all registered electors of the Town to vote “YES” on Ballot Issue 2D & 2E at the November 3, 2020 election.


**Under the Fair Campaign Practices Act (“FCPA”), the Town is prohibited from expending public money to urge voters to vote in favor or against any ballot issue.  C.R.S. § 1-45-117(1).  This restriction applies to all of the ballot issues and questions through the date of the election.  There are a few exceptions to this restriction, including an allowance for the Board to adopt a resolution or take a position of advocacy on any ballot question or issue.  The Board is also allowed under the FCPA to report the “passage of or distribute a resolution of advocacy through established, customary means, other than paid advertising, by which information about other proceedings of the Board is regularly provided to the public.”  C.R.S. § 1-45-117(1)(b)(III).