Letter from the Mead Board of Trustees to the residents of Mead

Board of Trustees

March 26, 2020 -- As a small town, we have always been there for each other. There has never been a challenge we could not meet. This COVID-19 pandemic could be the largest challenge we have ever had to face down. The Mead Board of Trustees wants the residents to know we are working to assure the ongoing safety of our community.

Effective immediately, we have closed all playgrounds, basketball and tennis courts, and picnic pavilions to help quell the opportunity for the virus to spread. We have closed all town facilities to the public while continuing to perform the essential services of the town. The police are available and responding to service calls. The municipal election is moving along. Residents can drop their ballots off in the drop box in front of town hall 24 hours a day up until 7 p.m. on April 7. Our Town Board meetings will go on as planned, but will be done as virtual meetings with the help of Zoom.

We ask all of you to be patient and embrace the responsibility we all have in staring down this invisible enemy. Thank you for complying with the stay-at-home order. Thank you for checking on your neighbors, by phone or through virtual options, to see if they are OK. Although we are all social distancing, we need to find creative ways to cheer one another up and lift the spirits of others. There are surely people in our neighborhoods feeling frightened and alone and vulnerable. Let’s all find a way to reach out and help.


Mayor Colleen G. Whitlow

On Behalf of the Mead Board of Trustees