Proclamation: Colorado Bike Month and Bike to Work Day

image stating proclamation


Colorado Bike Month June 2023 And Bike to Work Day June 28, 2023

WHEREAS, June has been designated as Bike Month, sponsored by the Department of Transportation and celebrated in communities from coast to coast; and

WHEREAS, Bike to Work Day has had a steady rise in participants since 1995 and is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling and encourage more people to give bicycling a try as an alternate form of transportation; and

WHEREAS, riding a bike is a viable and environmentally sound form of transportation and an excellent form of recreation; and

WHEREAS, creating bicycle-friendly communities has been shown to improve citizen's health well­ being, and quality of life to boost community spirit, to improve traffic safety, and to reduce pollution and congestion;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Colleen Whitlow, Mayor of the Town of Mead, Weld County, Colorado, do hereby proclaim June 2023, as Colorado Bike Month and June 28, 2023 as Bike to Work Day and encourage all citizens of the Town of Mead to recognize the importance of encouraging and supporting the use of bicycles within our community.

Given under my hand and Seal of the Town of Mead, Colorado On this 30th day of May, 2023