Mosquito Control


For mosquito control, the Town of Mead contracts with Vector Disease Control International (VDCI). VDCI's trained larvicide and seasonal fogging technicians will conduct larval inspections, set traps, and spray for mosquitoes to decrease the disease carrying mosquito population. 

Starting in June, larval inspections will occur weekly to determine where the mosquito population is located. Traps will be set Monday evenings and picked up Tuesday mornings. Spraying is only conducted after the traps meet a designated threshold.

Aug. 9, 2023--Based on the increased West Nile virus activity in Weld County and high levels of Culex mosquitoes (mosquitoes that transmit West Nile Virus), the Town of Mead's contractor will perform another town-wide spraying on Wednesday Aug. 9, weather permitting. 

July 20, 2023--Based on the increased West Nile virus activity in Weld County and high levels of Culex mosquitoes (mosquitoes that transmit West Nile Virus), the Town of Mead's contractor will perform another town-wide spraying on Wednesday July 26, weather permitting. 

July 13, 2023--Due to high trap counts of Culex mosquitoes, the Town of Mead's contractor will perform town-wide spraying on Monday July 17, weather permitting. 

June 30, 2023--Weld County is seeing very high numbers of Culex mosquitoes (mosquitoes that transmit West Nile Virus), based on these threshold counts, the Town of Mead's contractor will perform town-wide spraying on Sunday July 2, weather permitting.

June 22, 2023--Due to an increase of West Nile virus activity in Northern Colorado and the high levels of mosquitoes trapped this week, the Town of Mead hopes to decrease the risk of human West Nile virus (WNV) infection by spraying for adult mosquitoes. The Town’s contractor, Vector Disease Control International, will use a permethrin-based product (AquaKontrol3030) and truck equipment to perform town wide spraying on Sunday June 25, weather permitting. 


Four D's to Prevent Mosquito Bites

Everyone can follow the "Four Ds" to help prevent mosquito bites:

  • Use DEET or another approved insect repellent every time you are outside during high risk times (dusk and dawn). A product with 23.8% DEET provides 302 minutes of full protection. Products with 6.7% DEET provide 112 minutes of protection. Reapply as directed.
  • DRAIN all standing water around your home where mosquitoes breed. Unclog roof drains, remove old tires or any unused containers that might hold water. Don't overwater lawns and gardens. Replace water in kiddie pools and bird feeders at least every five days.
  • Limit your outside activity at DAWN and DUSK, when mosquitoes are most active.
  • DRESS property in long-sleeved shirts and long pants while outdoors during high risk times or in mosquito-infested areas.

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