Facial Recognition Technology

photo of Chief Newbanks

Facial recognition (FR) technology involves the ability to examine and compare significant characteristics of the human face using biometric algorithms contained within a software application. This technology can be a valuable tool to create investigative leads, reduce an imminent threat to health or safety, and aid in the identification of persons unable to identify themselves or deceased persons. These photographs are compared against databases of suspect arrest booking “mugshots” submitted by Police departments or Sheriff’s offices in Colorado to the Lumen database, the national NCIS Law Enforcement Information Exchange (LInX) and the FBI’s N-DEx national information sharing system. We may also request a comparison against driver’s license photographs held within the Colorado Department of Revenue Motor Vehicle Driver’s license database.

Any similar matches will be treated as investigative leads and the Mead Police Department Officers will build cases with other information or evidence in conjunction to any facial similarities gathered from the facial recognition process.

This process is driven by the Colorado Legislature Senate Bill 22-113, in particular Colorado Revised Statutes § 24-18-301 through § 24-18-309.

The use of facial recognition through Lumen will be used primarily for two purposes. Both involve the identification of unknown individuals and start with a static photograph of that person in question.

1. Unknown person identification – officers will have the ability to take a photo of someone that they have a legitimate purpose for identifying. That picture will then be compared in the Lumen software and potential matches will be analyzed. An unknown deceased person without identification information is one example of when this could be used.

2. Unknown suspect identification – officers have a surveillance picture of a suspect in a known or suspected crime, but do not know the identity of the suspect. The photo will be compared in the system and potential matches will be investigated. Theft from a store or theft from a vehicle, where there is surveillance video, would be examples of when this would be used.

All Mead Police officers will undergo training in the use of facial recognition. This training will include the policy directing the use of facial recognition and restrictions that comply with Colorado Revised Statutes § 24-18-301 through § 24-18-309. The facial recognition policy has been finalized and its use will begin on Wednesday, August 30, 2023.

Chief Newbanks presented this project to the Board of Trustees on November 28th, 2022. The presentation to the Board of Trustees can be found here (minute 21:00).