Police Blotter

Police Blotter

Welcome to the Police Blotter page where you can access information that has been approved for public release. Please note that the records displayed here represent a small fraction of the daily calls for service to which Mead PD responds.

When reading entries on the Blotter, please keep in mind:

  • All individuals arrested or charged with a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
  • All information posted to our internet site via our Police Blotter page is preliminary data and is subject to change. 
  • The information provided is only a small percentage of the Mead PD’s calls for service.


Information and details in a case can change throughout the day and during the course of an investigation, but it is generally not acceptable to change information once it has been published in the blotter. Therefore, please verify all information, by requesting the report, prior to printing or broadcasting information contained in the blotter.