School Resources

Mead Elementary, Middle and High School are staffed by two school resource officers (SRO) whose primary role is to develop relationships with students, parents, and staff members. Through education, officers work with the school district to address issues, enforce laws, and guide students.

Safe 2 Tell Colorado 

Safe2Tell provides students, parents, and community members a safe and anonymous way to report information about any issues that concern their safety or the safety of others. Safe2Tell’s reporting process is simple. Call to interact with a live, trained analyst or fill out a form on our website or mobile app.

The Safe2Tell Act (C.R.S. Section 24-31-601 et seq.) requires Safe2Tell to promptly forward information to local law enforcement, public safety agencies, or school officials. Information is not required to be forwarded if the call was transferred to Colorado Crisis Services (C.R.S. Section 27-60-103). Safe2Tell is obligated to ensure the identity of the person making the report is unknown to all parties including Safe2Tell employees with the rare exceptions listed in Senate Bill 21-081.

Safe2Tell is housed within the Colorado Department of Law. The program partners with the Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC) in the Colorado Department of Public Safety to answer and disseminate reports. Analysts engage reporting parties in a two-way dialog to maximize the information available for follow-up. They directly connect or refer to the appropriate mental health partners as needed. Safe2Tell analysts review every report and promptly forward it to local multidisciplinary teams. Multidisciplinary teams are comprised of local school and law enforcement personnel. Safe2Tell encourages a prompt response from multidisciplinary teams to all reports in the same fashion as if they received the information in person. Safe2Tell analysts allow 30 minutes for public safety answering points to acknowledge a report receipt and one business day for school personnel to view. Analysts call multidisciplinary teams immediately if they deem the report urgent. Safe2Tell gives multidisciplinary teams thirty days to provide response or outcome information and mark a report as closed. Once addressed, we require the intervening parties to complete a disposition documenting action taken and any relevant outcomes.